What is Sassa ? What is the SASSA R350 SRD Grant?

The South African Social Security Agency, commonly known as SASSA, is an essential institution in South Africa tasked with providing social grants to eligible citizens. These grants serve as a critical safety net for vulnerable individuals and families, offering financial support in times of need. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what SASSA is, explore the various SASSA grants available, and focus on the SASSA R350 SRD Grant. This article aims to provide a thorough understanding of SASSA’s role, the grants it offers, and the specifics of the SRD Grant, while also addressing frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to these topics.

What is SASSA?

SASSA, the South African Social Security Agency, is a government institution established to administer and distribute social grants to eligible South African citizens. Its primary goal is to provide financial assistance to those in need, especially vulnerable and low-income individuals, to help improve their quality of life.

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Types of SASSA Grants

SASSA offers several types of grants, each designed to address specific needs and circumstances. Here are some of the main types of SASSA grants:

Old Age Grant: This grant is for South African citizens who have reached the age of 60 and meet the eligibility criteria.

Disability Grant: Designed for individuals with disabilities that prevent them from supporting themselves financially.

Child Support Grant: Provides financial support to primary caregivers of children in need.

Foster Child Grant: Assists foster parents or caregivers in providing for children in their care.

War Veterans Grant: A grant for military veterans who meet specific criteria.

Care Dependency Grant: Intended for caregivers of children with severe disabilities.

Grant-in-Aid: Offers assistance to those who require full-time care and support services.

What is the SASSA R350 SRD Grant?

The SASSA R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant, often referred to as the “COVID-19 grant,” was introduced as a temporary relief measure in response to the economic challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant aimed to provide financial support to South African citizens who were unemployed or experiencing financial distress due to the pandemic.

Key features of the SASSA R350 SRD Grant:

It provided a monthly payment of R350 to eligible applicants. Eligibility criteria included being a South African citizen, having no source of income or financial support, and not receiving any other social grant. The grant was initially introduced as a short-term measure but has been extended multiple times.

Let’s address some common questions about SASSA and its grants:

Who is eligible for SASSA grants?

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the specific grant type but generally include factors like age, income, disability, and citizenship status.
How can I apply for a SASSA grant?

Applications can be made in person at a SASSA office, online, or through designated community points.

Can I receive more than one SASSA grant simultaneously?

Generally, individuals can only receive one SASSA grant at a time, with exceptions for certain combinations of grants.

Are SASSA grants taxable?

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, most SASSA grants were not taxable. However, tax laws can change, so it’s advisable to consult a tax professional for the most current information.

How often are SASSA grants paid?

Most SASSA grants are paid on a monthly basis, with specific payment dates varying by grant type.

Can non-South African citizens receive SASSA grants?

In general, SASSA grants are intended for South African citizens. There are some exceptions, such as refugees and permanent residents, who may qualify for certain grants.

What is the process for reporting fraud or misuse of SASSA grants?

If you suspect fraudulent activity related to SASSA grants, you can report it to the SASSA hotline or local law enforcement.

Is there an age limit for the SASSA R350 SRD Grant?


The SASSA R350 SRD Grant was initially available to individuals aged 18 to 59. However, eligibility criteria may change, so it’s essential to check the latest updates.

Is the SASSA R350 SRD Grant still available?

The availability of the SASSA R350 SRD Grant has been subject to government decisions and changes in response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. Check the official SASSA website for the latest information.

What should I do if my SASSA grant application is declined?

If your SASSA grant application is declined, you have the right to appeal the decision. Follow the appeals process outlined by SASSA for your specific grant type.


SASSA plays a crucial role in providing financial support to those in need through various grant programs. Understanding what SASSA is, the types of grants it offers, and the specifics of grants like the SASSA R350 SRD Grant is essential for eligible South Africans seeking assistance. If you have further questions or need to apply for a SASSA grant, visit your nearest SASSA office or refer to the official SASSA website for guidance and updates on grant availability.

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