Sassa Means Income Source Identified-Reasons and Solution

Sassa, the South African Social Security Agency, provides social grants to eligible individuals and families who are in need of financial assistance. These grants are intended to help with basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. However, there are times when Sassa may identify an alternative income source for an individual or household, which may render them ineligible for a particular social grant or reduce the grant amount they receive. This is known as “Sassa means income source identified.”

When Sassa communicates that an “alternative income source” has been identified for an individual or household, it signifies that Sassa has determined that the individual or household has access to another source of income. This may include income from employment, pension, interest income, or selling property. The identification of an alternative income source may result in the reduction or termination of a social grant, depending on the specific circumstances.

It is important to note that the identification of an alternative income source does not necessarily mean that an individual or household is no longer in need of financial assistance. However, it does mean that Sassa will need to reassess the individual or household’s eligibility for a specific social grant. If you have received a notification that “Sassa means income source identified” for your social grant application, there are steps you can take to address this issue and potentially regain your eligibility for the grant.

Alternative income source identified meaning

SASSA, or the South African Social Security Agency, is responsible for administering social grants to eligible South African citizens. These grants are meant to provide financial assistance to those who are in need, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and those who are unemployed.

One of the key eligibility criteria for receiving social grants from SASSA is the means test. This test is used to determine whether an applicant has an income or assets that exceed a certain threshold, which would make them ineligible for the grant.

If an applicant is found to have an alternative income source, SASSA may identify it as part of the means test. This means that the agency has identified another potential source of income for the applicant, which could affect their eligibility for the grant.

There are several reasons why SASSA may identify an alternative income source for an applicant. These include having more income than the maximum amount allowed for the grant, receiving a pension or other government support, or having interest income from investments or savings.

It is important for applicants to understand the implications of having an alternative income source identified by SASSA. If an applicant is found to have an income or assets that exceed the threshold, they may be deemed ineligible for the grant.

Overall, SASSA’s means test is an important tool for ensuring that social grants are distributed to those who are truly in need. By identifying alternative income sources, the agency can help ensure that grants are not given to those who do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Alternative Income Source Identified

When applying for the SASSA SRD grant, one of the reasons for rejection that may appear is “alternative income source identified” or “means income source identified”. This means that SASSA has identified that the applicant has other sources of income on a monthly basis.

According to SASSA, the SRD grant is specifically for people who are unemployed. If an applicant is receiving an amount of money equal to or more than R595 per month, SASSA would make the determination that they have an alternative income and will then reject their SRD grant application. The amount of R595 is in line with the social assistance act.

It is important to note that the SRD grant is meant for individuals in greatest need. Therefore, if an applicant has other forms of payment such as pension, salary, or government support, their application for the SASSA SRD grant will likely be rejected.

If an “alternative income source identified” status is given to an applicant, they should take steps to address the issue. This may involve providing additional information to SASSA to clarify their financial situation or seeking alternative sources of income.

In summary, an “alternative income source identified” status means that SASSA has determined that the applicant has access to another source of income, which may render them ineligible for the SRD grant or reduce the grant amount they receive. Applicants should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria and provide accurate information to avoid rejection.

SASSA Status Declined Because of Income Source

When an applicant checks their SASSA application status and sees it listed as “declined,” it means that their grant application was fully processed but did not meet the approval criteria set by SASSA. Based on the details provided and verification checks done, the applicant’s eligibility could not be confirmed.

One of the reasons why SASSA SRD (Special Relief of Distress) applications are declined is the “Means Income Source Identified.” This means that the applicant has an income source that exceeds the SASSA merit, and as a result, the application has been declined.

Another reason for a declined SASSA application is the “Alternative Income Source Identified.” This means that the applicant has an alternative source of income that exceeds the SASSA merit, and as a result, the application has been declined.

If an applicant’s SASSA status has been declined, they can reinstate their application and avail of an opportunity to reapply for SASSA funds. However, they must ensure that they meet the qualifying criteria and that their income source does not exceed the SASSA merit.

It is important to note that all received applications for the Special Covid-19 SRD R350 grant are verified on a monthly basis to confirm if they meet the qualification criteria. During the verification process, the application must meet one or more of the qualifying criteria. If the application does not meet the criteria, it will be declined.

Overall, it is crucial for applicants to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria and that their income source does not exceed the SASSA merit to avoid a declined SASSA status.

Solving the Means Income Source Identified

If your SASSA SRD application has been declined due to the Means Income Source Identified status, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue.

First, it’s important to understand why your application was rejected. According to SASSA, this status is given to applicants who have an income of more than R595 per month. If you believe that your income is below this threshold, you may want to double-check your application to make sure that there were no errors or omissions.

If you do have an income source that puts you above the threshold, there are a few options to consider. One option is to try and reduce your income by finding ways to cut back on expenses or increase your expenses. Another option is to look for additional sources of income that would not put you above the threshold.

It’s also important to note that SASSA considers a number of factors when determining whether an applicant has an alternative income source. These factors include the amount of money received from other sources, such as pensions, selling property, or interest income. If you have any of these sources of income, it’s important to make sure that you accurately report them on your application.

If you are still having trouble with the Means Income Source Identified status, you may want to consider reaching out to SASSA directly for assistance. They may be able to provide additional guidance or support to help you resolve the issue.

Overall, addressing the Means Income Source Identified status can be a challenge, but with the right approach and support, it’s possible to overcome this hurdle and receive the assistance you need.


In summary, SASSA means income source identified is a notification that the agency has identified another potential source of income for an individual or household. This determination can occur due to various reasons, including having more income than R595, receiving a pension, selling property, earning interest income, and more.

If an applicant receives a notification of alternative income source identified, it is crucial to understand the implications of this determination and take appropriate steps to address any issues or discrepancies. An alternative source of income identified means the applicant has other forms of payments such as pension, salary, or government support. If an applicant receives money from other alternative sources, their application for the SASSA SRD grant will likely be rejected.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all income sources are accurately reported when applying for the SASSA SRD grant. If an applicant receives a notification of alternative income source identified, they should review their application and ensure that they have accurately reported all sources of income.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I appeal if my alternative income source is identified?

If you believe that SASSA has incorrectly identified an alternative income source, you can appeal the decision. You will need to provide evidence to support your appeal, such as bank statements or payslips. You can submit your appeal online through the SASSA website or at your nearest SASSA office.

What does it mean when SASSA says alternative income source identified?

When SASSA says “alternative income source identified,” it means that they have found evidence that you are receiving income from another source. This could be a job, a pension, or any other form of income. If you are receiving income above a certain threshold, you may not be eligible for certain SASSA grants.

What does income source identified mean?

When SASSA says “income source identified,” it means that they have found evidence that you are receiving income from a particular source. This could be a job, a pension, or any other form of income. Depending on the amount of income you are receiving, you may not be eligible for certain SASSA grants.

What if my SASSA status is declined?

If your SASSA status is declined, it means that you do not meet the eligibility criteria for the grant you applied for. You can appeal the decision if you believe that there has been an error. Alternatively, you may want to consider applying for a different SASSA grant that you may be eligible for.

How do I fix my declined R350?

If your R350 grant application has been declined, you can appeal the decision by providing evidence that you meet the eligibility criteria. Alternatively, you may want to consider applying for a different SASSA grant that you may be eligible for.

What is the minimum income to qualify for SASSA?

The minimum income to qualify for SASSA grants varies depending on the type of grant you are applying for. For example, the old age pension has different income limits than the disability grant. You can find more information about the income limits for each grant on the SASSA website.

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